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Saturday, December 20, 2014

Free-hand Theory (Part 1): Identifying Types of Freehand

Identifying the type of free-hand painting that suit you is important for your future development. Through out my passed experience, a Golden Demon winner painter once told me these:

 "Be the type of painter you are, don't be like me. Take my work as references, paint and improve in your own styles."

So from here onwards, I've compiled few tips and named the types. 
(Tips) Fine art and Chinese Calligraphy is an added advantage. You can find video in YouTube for extra info. Here I found one for you. 

After you watch it, you will have ideas on painting free-hand any 40K/WHF icons/runes. 

Monday, December 1, 2014

Eldar Pirate Warwalker Squad

Another commission work for my client and this time was another challenging one. Same with previous Dark Eldar Warrior@Eldar Dire Avenger, my client wanted the Eldar Warwalker to be in Dark Eldar pirate style with freehand tattoo pattern. It took me awhile to came up an altered design from GW original decal. If you dig out your decal, you will find below picture.

After alteration, here's the finished work. I didn't glued the cockpit so that its easy to take photograph.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Free-hand Tutorial: Dark Eldar Tattoo Pattern

Well, many people asked me how to paint this tattoo pattern. It actually quite easy. You need to have a very sharp tip Kolinsky Saber brush. I came up with the step-by-step for 3 types of patterns following GW.

Here it goes.....

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Dark Eldar Warrior@Eldar Dire Avenger

Here's another commissioned work for my Australian client sometimes ago. He wanted me to work on army that can be usable in Eldar as Dire Avenger/Guardians and in Dark Eldar as normal warrior. And more 'pirates' type. So the best way was to use just Dark Eldar warrior......

Choosing color schemes.... He selected this from the Dark Eldar codex:

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Dark Eldar Urien Rakarth

To break out from Space Marine a bit, this was a commission work done for my client from Australia (who commissioned me for the Crimson Fist) and finished last year 2013. It took me 3 months to finish due to my situation of fatherhood. I managed to squeeze only 1.5 hour to paint each day while my son sleeping.

I love this model very very much because it really tested my skills of painting flesh tone. You can see in the close-up picture.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Cypher - Fallen Angel

Its truly been a long long long.....time I haven't posted any new picture of my work. Since 2010, life has been extremely awesome for me. I hardly painted any model at all with my coming 2 years old baby boy clinging on me. But at least got a few.....

I know many who had followed my blog was long time ago eagerly waited for my sneak peak of Fallen Angel. Unfortunately it was never posted. Apologize for such a long patience. And let's cut the chase!!!