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Thursday, November 13, 2014

Dark Eldar Warrior@Eldar Dire Avenger

Here's another commissioned work for my Australian client sometimes ago. He wanted me to work on army that can be usable in Eldar as Dire Avenger/Guardians and in Dark Eldar as normal warrior. And more 'pirates' type. So the best way was to use just Dark Eldar warrior......

Choosing color schemes.... He selected this from the Dark Eldar codex:

It was not an easy task for me because of many freehand painting on the chest pattern. My client wanted it to be easily differentiate for both 2 different squad. So the 1st squad designed was following the codex; the 2nd squad was designed by myself. And here's the finished works. 1st Squad....

And for the 2nd squad...

Hope you like it. I will post the step-by-step on how to paint both freehand chest designed pattern. Stay tone and enjoy.

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