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Monday, October 12, 2009

Journey Towards Tzeentch (part 2): Rhino

Sorry for the slow update again. Since my wife being busy with her work, I just have to do all the photos editing myself. The problem is that I'm a noob with GIMP & Photoshop software. No matter how many times I learned it, it still can't get into my head. Well, this kind of stuff is just not for me. The obliterators already finished but still I felt that there still need to be improve. Will post it when it is 100% done.

Anyway, here's the 2nd Thousand Sons rhino I've done.

I've painted a script of sealing rune on both side of the vehicle. Instead of using the same Chaos runes, I went for my own style. I just simply moved my brush here and there, it came out naturally with some form of wording. Well, at least it closely matched the Chaos runes. I will post a tutorial for this in future.

All design here are free-hand painted and a bit different from the 1st rhino. My friends thought I used stickers!!!

My client requested that he want this vehicle to be design as "captured Space Wolves rhino"... As like the Thousand Sons Sorcerer cast a sealing spell on the vehicle and seal off the driver within to serve his will. My client also requested that the sealing rune design to be a bit like ninja manga boy sealing rune but in WH40K Chaos pattern. If you look closely, you might be able to guess who is this 'ninja manga boy'... Hehehe...