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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Free-Hand Tutorial: Thousand Sons Icon

Here's another free-hand tutorial. There are many people being asking me how to paint the Thousand Sons Legion's logo and also get the consistency. Well, its really hard for me to explain it. Anyway, I will make it as simple as possible.

A) Master Copy!!
First of all, you need to get 1 logo painted. This first logo will be your master copy.

Picture below shows the step-by-step:

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Crimson Fist... Might of Pedro!!! (Part 2)

Its been awhile I haven't update my blog. I've been busy rushing all the commission work. Here's a Crimson Fist Tactical Sq done last month (June).

And also this special version of Land Raider I've done. It really took me a long time to design this vehicle. I wanted it to be Pedro Kantor's personal vehicle and it dedicated to this chapter master who save Rynn world and his own Crimson Fist Chapter from Ork invasion. And finally the end result of my creation. Behold!!!

Here's a closer look on the free hand painted detail front added plate and also the side engraving free hand Crimson Fist chapter banner design & Pedro Kantor's personal banner.